
Showing posts from 2011

Assignment 2: Exhibition Booth

  Week 10 Precedent studies of Exhibition Booth: Last week our lecturer gave us an assignment which is about “Designing Exhibition Booth”. Exhibition Design:  exhibition booth is a popular choice for branding and marketing department of a company to increase the awareness about a product to the target audience. Most of the time exhibition booth locations are the shopping mall’s centre, foyer, and central area and exhibition halls. This kind of campaigns is very useful for the mass public to get to know about a company product. Precedent Studies of Exhibition Booth: Reference: Google Images

Le Modulor

Week 10 Le Modulor: The Modular is a measurement ruler of proportioning system which is developed by the Swiss born architect Le Corbusier based on Fibonacci series. Actually it was created to realize the mathematical proportions of human body as well as to develop the form and function of architecture. Here human measurements, the double unit, the Fibonacci numbers, and the golden ratio are the main things in this system.  Le Corbusier divided human bodies into two sections in golden ratio.  Golden ratio proportion can be used in architecture, art, music etc  which provides divine proportion .  So the importance of the Modular is to “harmonious measurement of the human scale”. One of example of this system: Unite d', Marseilles, France According to Le Corbusier, Modular is able to give the correct measurement of anything such as it can be cabinet, door, buildings and urban spaces etc. There is an another example, where we can see a human figure is measured by mathematic

Form follows function & Function follows form

week 9 Form follows function & Function follows form: Before discussing about the meaning of “form follows function” we need to know what is form and function. “Form is shape, visual appearance, or configuration of an object.” On the other hand, Function is an action or requirements to operate any kind of work. Designer should remember it always. Nowadays architectural trends are changing very rapidly. Architects and designers are mainly focusing on the outlook of a product, constructing buildings without connecting the internal spaces of the structure. Because of this main feature of the functionality is being ignored and not getting viewer’s attention. For example: form follows function is an object which helps us to perform certain functions to create a design about the main subject. For designing anything such as a website, we need to understand the function first. Otherwise, making decision about the form could be wrong.  So before designing anything such as it can


Week 9 Prototype : “A prototype is an early sample or model built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from”. So in short, prototyping is a process of making a model of a system. According to information system, prototypes are engaged to help system designers to make a model of a information system which can be easy to manipulate for the users. It is a part of analysis phase. Prototypes can be in different forms such as low sketches or paper screen, high tech operating systems using CASE( computer aided software engineering). Many companies use multiple prototyping tools like paper, visual basic etc. "Some Advantages of Prototyping:  Reduces development time.  Reduces development costs.  Requires user involvement.  Developers receive quantifiable user feedback.   Facilitates system implementation since users know what to expect.   Results in higher user satisfaction.   Exposes developers to potential future system enhance

Photo Montage

Week 8 Photo montage: I have created a photo montage video based on my photographic pictures. Although anyone can make photo montage by using software like cut pro, after effect, adobe premiere pro, windows live movie maker etc. But creating product, any kind of designing, ideation etc. for everything we need a good arrangement of the object. For example, when I was making this video, its came in my mind that if I would be the client how I need my video have to be. As a client, I want to make my video like when user see this photo montage they feel like  telling a story about that photographs those I used in it. So that’s why I said ideation and arrangement is very important. Ideation :

Assignment 1 final bus stop design

Week 8: Branding at Bus Stop:

cardboard model making

Week7 cardboard model making:  By using cardboard or hardboard, modelling any 3D object is not very hard but need to follow correct step and correct measurement. There are some good examples of 3D modelling objects by using cardboard.... Reference: Google Image

creative product packaging design

Week 7 creative product packaging design: Here some of the creative product packaging design i want to share. from these types of design concept can be very helpful to create different kind of product design and it is also helpful for creative ideas.  Reference: Google Image

Logo and stationary design

Week 6 Logo and stationary design: Recently I went to Kuala Selangor Nature Park for educational tour. After coming back from there, our honorable lecturer Mr. Khairul Hasim has given us a assignment task which is creating 3 logos of Kuala Selangor nature park based on different product concept ideas and target audience. For the target audience I have chosen target audience as nature lovers and bird watchers. after creating logos have to apply these on stationary items such as letterhead, envelop, calling card. Here is my design able logos and stationary: