
Showing posts from November, 2011

Logo and stationary design

Week 6 Logo and stationary design: Recently I went to Kuala Selangor Nature Park for educational tour. After coming back from there, our honorable lecturer Mr. Khairul Hasim has given us a assignment task which is creating 3 logos of Kuala Selangor nature park based on different product concept ideas and target audience. For the target audience I have chosen target audience as nature lovers and bird watchers. after creating logos have to apply these on stationary items such as letterhead, envelop, calling card. Here is my design able logos and stationary:

User Centered System Design

Week 6 User Centered System Design:  “User-centered design (UCD) is an approach to design that grounds the process in information about the people who will use the product. UCD processes focus on users through the planning, design and development of a product.” User centered design or UCD relates with usability and usefulness. User Centered design deals with the user’s subject matter, tasks, goals, and experience with the subject matter, their needs from the subject matter, how does the design of the subject could facilitate their cognitive processes. By using this way we can improve the usability and usefulness of the anything which is related to the user’s interaction. This process is very helpful to reduce the costs and extend the user happiness and efficiency. Usefulness “Usefulness relates to relevance; do the functions, information, etc., match what the user actually needs?” Usability “Usability relates to ease-of-use—a simple concept, but not always easy or intu


WEEK 5:                    This image  also included as graphics design. Graphics design is an art of combining images, picture, magazine, advertisement etc.  Every thing is included in Graphics design. Actually it is a form of visual communication which works with the painting, drawing, illustration, and computer generated images. For clear understanding, Graphics design means “The art or profession of visual communication that combines images, words, and ideas to convey information to an audience.” In a simple word, we can say that graphics design is everywhere. It can be on our laptop screen cover, news paper, books cover. Most common form of graphic design is on logo, broacher, wedding card, poster, websites, product etc. it is the most unique art in the world. Without graphics design it would be impossible to present our thought into a visual form and we would be entertaining our thought only by spoken words. For example: In corporate world or business, film, ads, des

Poroject 1: Branding at Bus Stand

  Week 5: Background study About the Product/ Brand/ Service    Brand Name:               Industry: Food and Beverage           Founded: 1996           Headquarters: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia          Products: Cakes and Fusion food Secret Recipe a popular lifestyle café chain has become a household name following its debut in 1997. Secret Recipe has successfully established its brand name in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Philippines, Brunei, and Australia by virtue of its fine quality cakes, fusion food and distinctive service. A leading and largest café chain in Malaysia, with Halal certification awarded by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Secret Recipe is committed to continue to adhere to the standards of preparation of all food and processing plant in the restaurant in accordance to the regulatory guidelines including HACCP and VHM guidelines. Customers can always enjoy in confidence from more than 20 types of fusion food, 40 cake creations an

Research About Nature Park in Malaysia

Week4                                                                                    Taman Negara National Park Taman Negara National Park is situated on peninsular Malaysia in Pahang and spans more than 2,500 square miles. Originally established as the King George V National Park the name was changed after Malaysia gained independence. Since first being established circa 1930s Taman Negara Malaysia is believed to be the oldest tropical rainforest in the world, older than both the Congo and the  Amazon , spanning some 130 million years. Flora and fauna abound in staggering numbers in this lush, equatorial paradise. Though the list of species living in Taman Negara Malaysia is endless, some include Tigers, Malaysian Sun Bears, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Asian Elephants, and much more! This destination is high on the list of many who also want to visit the Borneo Rainforest on the island of Borneo. Many take  Malaysia vacations   to the area because of their l

My 3d modelling of a CAMERA and Study Room

week4 3D Modeling My first 3d model was a camera. Actually it was an assignment for computer modeling subject and I was so afraid at first when I heard that I have to model a camera though I don’t know the anything of 3d modeling. I always thought that I could not do it, it’s very hard to do 3d modeling, rendering, lighting etc. but I was wrong. Modeling is not that much hard which I used to think. For 3d modeling first of all we need passions, practice; without these it is impossible to do any work.  it was my first experience of modelling in 3d perspective.

Week 3

                            Study Tour at  Kuala Selangor Nature Park              Few days ago, I and my classmates went for a study tour at Kuala Selangor nature park, Malaysia. It was my first experience to see the beauty of nature very nearly as well as firefly at night, lots of monkey walking around us and so on. First time I took lots of picture and I had been enjoying while I was talking pictures of natural beauty like flora, fauna.  Some of my favorite pictures are taken by me:

Week 3

Precedent study In week 3 lecturer Mr. Zulkiffli bin che haris has given a brief about our first assignment which is Branding at Bus Stop. In this project we are supposed to choose a product/ brand or service that has to be produced and developed by a local company of Malaysia. So it means we have to design a bus stop. For this project, I have chosen Secret Recipe. I like this café chain because of its delicious pastries and cakes. So before planning to do some designs or sketches first step is to do the research of the brand that I already did as well as I did some background studies of bus stand. For any design first of all we should have a target audience, product concept, location etc. another important part of design is usability and audience needs. My target audiences are the young generation people. Precedent studies of bus stands :                                        Credit : Google Images