Creativity or Creativeness Is a Mental Process Involving the Generation of New Idea or Concepts or New Associations between Existing Ideas or Concepts’ is call creativity

if you take as a simple meaning of creativity can mention like this, a creation of ability to see something in a new way like problems or something to create newly or invent to see and solve the problems concerned as creativity. Creative is a heart of a person’s life, starting from childhood to adulthood.

In childhood everyone likes to draw that is the first step of humaneness start creativity no one cannot forget that childhood life, to concerned of teenagers or adults you can find alots of creativity creation ads banners photos a lots around this world on internet also,

but, every humans life in situation held to create something newly if you missed that session that session never come back again for example.

Picasso everyone know about Picasso his famous artist in this world who draw the art of monalisa in this world one of the famous art work, after his age of 12 he became as greatst realistic art worker in this world since,he is not happy with that because, he want to be art like child every one know s the art works of childrens but the world famous artist picsso untile he diet he try to art like a child but he didn’t achive the his aim he passed away without achieving it .

like this, to my concern every human life ther is situation u have to think creatively if u miss that session it never come back again to your life or you cannot gain it back to life any more .

So, what is creativity?
Creativity is combination 3 points

an ability + an attitude + a process = creativity
To my concern
An Ability: - the ability to generate new ideas by combining, changing to create something newly who never thought about it or imagine to invent it.
An Attitude: - creativity is a attitude for looking problems in new ways to create something newly, changing or a willingness with ideas.
A process: - creativity process to observe the steps by steps process of the work or explanation of idea in step by step method to understand easily to process the work

combination this process there are plenty of ads, images .banner and many more..

There are good creativities and bad creativities also over this world her some example to refer the good creativities and bad creativities ideas to identified easily ………………,



Reference from :- http://www.molwick.com/en/intelligence/045-creativity.html


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