Week 2

                                Design and Creativity

I am going to talk about design and creativity. Design is something that can be anything and anywhere. Different philosopher gave different definition of design such as dick Buchanan offered

“Design is the human power to conceive, plan, and realize products that serve human beings in the accomplishment of any individual or collective purpose.” 

 But through Matt Beale definition we can get an overall idea about what is design. “Design is about making things good and right for the people who use and encounter them.”

   Architectural design of some houses:

So, it is very important thing that needs in every sphere of life such as web, entertainment, interior architecture, business etc. without good design it is very hard to deal with such types of stuff. For example: if we want to entertain something in the media or marketing, we need good design because good designable product can be able to attract the people’s mind instantly as well as  needs sustainable quality. 

Once one of my Madam asked some questions about design and creativity like are the design and creativity come from one person or different?

I would like to say that, design and creativity both are different. Creativity is a quality or ability to see connections what others have or not but design is process of problem solving. Design and creativity can be come from one person or can be different person it depends on the person. Sometimes we see some products are may look like creative but the design is not that much good or it can be opposite also. So it is possible to come from different person that actually depends on ones quality and creative mind.  

Reference : Google image


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