Form follows function & Function follows form

week 9

Form follows function & Function follows form:

Before discussing about the meaning of “form follows function” we need to know what is form and function.

“Form is shape, visual appearance, or configuration of an object.”

On the other hand, Function is an action or requirements to operate any kind of work.

Designer should remember it always. Nowadays architectural trends are changing very rapidly. Architects and designers are mainly focusing on the outlook of a product, constructing buildings without connecting the internal spaces of the structure. Because of this main feature of the functionality is being ignored and not getting viewer’s attention.
For example: form follows function is an object which helps us to perform certain functions to create a design about the main subject. For designing anything such as a website, we need to understand the function first. Otherwise, making decision about the form could be wrong.

 So before designing anything such as it can be product, interior design, industrial design, or architectural design etc. what are the functions related to the main subject that have to follow the design form. Then it will be very easy to make decision of choosing form of the subject. As well as form also should has to follow the functionality of a subject matter. 

some of the example related to this topic:

 Reference: Google image


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