Le Modulor

Week 10
Le Modulor:

The Modular is a measurement ruler of proportioning system which is developed by the Swiss born architect Le Corbusier based on Fibonacci series. Actually it was created to realize the mathematical proportions of human body as well as to develop the form and function of architecture. Here human measurements, the double unit, the Fibonacci numbers, and the golden ratio are the main things in this system. Le Corbusier divided human bodies into two sections in golden ratio. Golden ratio proportion can be used in architecture, art, music etc which provides divine proportion. So the importance of the Modular is to “harmonious measurement of the human scale”.

One of example of this system:

Unite d',
Marseilles, France

According to Le Corbusier, Modular is able to give the correct measurement of anything such as it can be cabinet, door, buildings and urban spaces etc.

There is an another example, where we can see a human figure is measured by mathematically.


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